The IIS 6.0 Resource Kit contains a utility called SelfSSL.exe for quickly and easily creating and installing a self-signed certificate into IIS 6 for Windows 2003 or XP.
Download IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools
Install the resource kit
Go to Programs \ IIS Resources \ SelfSSL and select “SelfSSL”
Execute the following (modify for your environment):
selfssl.exe / /K:1024 /V:180 /S:56792119 /P:443 /T
Go to the site to test.
Explanation of selfssl.exe switches (used in command above):
- / – common name of the certificate.
- /K:1024 – key length.
- /V:180 – number of days certificate is valid.
- /S:56792119 – IIS site ID. Default is 1 for “default site.”
- /P:443 – SSL port.
- /T – Adds the self-signed certificate to “Trusted Certificates” list.
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